Well, I survived my first ever airplane ride. It was GREAT. I really liked taking off. The landings weren't too bad. I don't particularly like turning in the air. It gives me a slight case of vertigo. Dallas-Fort Worth airport was interesting. It's very big and there is a tram that goes around and drops you close to your gate. I sat next to a mother and daughter that had come to Columbia from Texas to check out USC. They were both very nice and helped me find the tram around Dallas-Fort Worth. Mom would have loved sitting and watching the people in the airport. The hop to Wichita to meet Ben and Anita was only about 45 minutes. I sat next to a young man who was going to visit family. He was an ironworker helping to build a nuclear facility for the Navy in Washington state. He was only 21 and very easy on the eyes. We had a very nice conversation. Then meeting Ben and Anita and the kids was about you would expect...hugs and kisses and all talking at the same time. The girls have grown up so much and Connor is just the MOST HANDSOME baby of all time. Anita's Visiting Teaching companion confirmed that yesterday...at least until her new grandchild arrives later this year.
It was really odd going to church from 1:30 to 4:30. We got up Sunday morning, ate breakfast (Anita made the most delicious cinnamon rolls) and then we went to choir practice at a member's house. After that, we came back to the house for lunch and then off to church. Their building looks sort of like our Stake center in Columbia but with our carpet and new upholstery. They have a lot of young families so it was kind of noisy in sacrament meeting. Otherwise, the meetings went pretty much just like ours. I find that very comforting and felt right at home. We had the Goolsby's over last night for supper and then played Idiot. I really felt right at home then...lots of noise, good food and a good time. I got up this morning in time to tell Ben goodbye for work. The girls came down the stairs right before he left. Kelsey, very dramatically, told us that she woke up this morning with her butt stuck under Olivia's bed. Ben and I really had a good laugh over that. Well, we are planning our day so I'll say goodbye and love to y'all.