Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's a beautiful Saturday morning. I have talked with Mom this morning and she is just fine. We always talk on Saturday mornings since Daddy died and since she has Alltel too, we talk for as long as we want.

The Relief Society sponsored a Mother/Daughter Enrichment night social and Derrick Swails was there to make pictures. Here's our's being goofy and just having fun.
I'm so proud of myself for remembering how to post pictures!!! Love Vicki


scchesleys said...

way to go mom! i'm going to have to use your scanner to get mine online. That was such a fun evening, I have to say, my daughter is a blast!

Anita said...

LOVE the pictures! And the pink boa - I never knew Kristi was so becoming in pink... Better not let Connor get to close to it though. He's really freaked out by the pink feathers. Scares him silly.

scchesleys said...

That particular shade is just dark enough to look "right". Connor is scared of pink feathers----that's so funny! The trials of being a boy.